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Edward F. KellyDr. Kelly is currently a Research Professor in the Division of Perceptual Studies of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia Health System. He received his undergraduate degree in psychology from Yale and a PhD from Harvard with primary interests in psycholinguistics and cognitive science. His most recent research, carried out at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill as part of a large neuroscience research program, involved non-invasive study of normal and abnormal plasticity in human somatosensory cortex using high-resolution EEG and fMRI techniques. He had previously spent over ten years working full-time in experimental parapsychology, initially at J. B. Rhine’s Institute for Parapsychology in Durham, NC, and subsequently through the Department of Electrical Engineering at Duke University. He is author of Computer Recognition of English Word Senses (with Philip J. Stone); and Altered States of Consciousness and Psi: An Historical Survey and Research Prospectus (with Ralph G. Locke). His central long-term interests revolve around mind/brain relations and functional neuroimaging studies of unusual states of consciousness and associated cognitive phenomena.

Other Sources of Biographical Information on Kelly

  • Brief Statement of Interests and Bibliography, from the website of the Division for Perceptual Studies



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