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Medium, pseudonym, "Mrs. Willett." B. November 1, 1874; d. August 1, 1956, London. M. 1895, Charles Coombe-Tennant (d. 1895): 1 d. Chairman, 1918, Arts and Crafts Section, National Eistenddfod (annual Welsh cultural conference adn competition); appointed justice of the peace, 1920; served as delegate to the Assembly of the League of Nations, 1922.

Mrs. Coombe-Tennant became an associate of the Society for Psychical Research, London, in 1901, but did not take an acive interest in its work until 1908, following the death of her daughter. After corresponding with the automatist Mrs. A. W. Verrall (q.v.), she herself became interested in automatic writing and began to produce scripts apparently related to those of several mediums known as the "SPR group" of automatists. In early reports concerning these scripts, she was referred to by the pseudonym "Mrs. Willett," and it was not until many years later that her identity became generally known. Her first scripts were privately published in 1908 un the title The Delta Case.

With Mrs. Verrall, Mrs. W. H. Salter, "Mrs. Holland" (qq.v.) and other automatists, she produced many of the communications forming the famous SPR "cross-correspondences," in which individually meaningless writings when pieced together seemed to indicate that purposeful intelligence were originiating them. These scripts have often been citing as evidence for the hypothesis of the survival of the human personality after death. A discussion of the psychologicial aspects of Mrs. Coombe-Tennants mediumship by Gerald Balfour (q.v.) was published in the SPR Proceedings (Vol. 63, Part 140, 1935).

Taken from Helene Pleasants (1964) Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology with Directory and Glossary 1946-1996 NY: Garrett Publications



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